C1 Daramu House, Barangaroo, Sydney NSW

Property Type


C1 Daramu House Barangaroo, Sydney has achieved a 6 Star NABERS Rating. We are currently controlling VAVs, chilled beams, AHUs and heat exchangers (from the main plant), while also closely monitoring base building meters as these are a crucial component of achieving a high NABERS rating.

Energy Savings

Special attention was given to the plant during both after hours and low occupancy so that immediate measures could be taken to reduce waste and ensure maximum energy efficiency. Conservia engaged in constant discussions with JLL in regards to occupancy and comfort to ensure peak client satisfaction by producing the best possible result.

Congratulations to the team and special acknowledgement to Abhijith Sethuraman  for his attention to detail and passion to reduce energy consumption at this site. His commitment to ongoing fine-tuning the plant has been a major component of Daramu House’s 6 NABERS stars rating achievement.

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